What types are available?
There are a number of systems available and all have their benefits for persons who use them. Your therapist is a great source of information and recommendations to find a system that best meets the individual needs of your child. Be sure to ask questions about the various devices that you are considering. Make sure they provide your child with an environment that fits his or her needs.
There is a large variety of gait trainers available. Most gait trainers today have some common features such as hand supports, ant scissoring assist, adjustable height wheel breaks etc. Newer designs including the Gait-Way have dynamic gait features. This is an important feature to consider because the dynamic gait features can make walking easier and more energy efficient than older versions. Good luck with your search and by all means feel free to call us at any time to answer any questions you may have about our system and whether or not it might be a good fit for your child and your unique situation.